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    [0] => Array
            [total] => [donor_count]
            [label] => Registered Donors

    [1] => Array
            [total] => 1,528
            [label] => Awaiting Transplant 9.30.2024)

    [2] => Array
            [total] => 1,284
            [label] => Kidney (waiting: 9.30.2024)

    [3] => Array
            [total] => 160
            [label] => Liver (waiting: 9.30.2024)

    [4] => Array
            [total] => 55
            [label] => Heart (waiting: 9.30.2024)

    [5] => Array
            [total] => 41
            [label] => Kidney/Pancreas (waiting: 9.30.2024)

    [6] => Array
            [total] => 13
            [label] => Lung (waiting: 9.30.2024)

    [7] => Array
            [total] => 7
            [label] => Pancreas (waiting: 9.30.2024)

    [8] => Array
            [total] => 4
            [label] => Intestine (waiting: 9.30.2024)

U.S. VA service information is available at or (800) 698-2411. If you or an immediate family member ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces, an information tool and service guide are available at Thank you for your service.
4,447,748 Registered Donors
1,528 Awaiting Transplant 9.30.2024)
1,284 Kidney (waiting: 9.30.2024)
160 Liver (waiting: 9.30.2024)
55 Heart (waiting: 9.30.2024)
41 Kidney/Pancreas (waiting: 9.30.2024)
13 Lung (waiting: 9.30.2024)
7 Pancreas (waiting: 9.30.2024)
4 Intestine (waiting: 9.30.2024)

Privacy Policy

Updated: December 2019

Our Commitment

The Department of Health and Senior Services respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains our information and data security practices.

The Department and any provider under contract to establish and maintain the first person consent organ and tissue donor registry and related sites, are acting on behalf of the Department.

All information submitted will be used for official business. It is important that you understand our privacy position.



A temporary cookie is stored on your computer’s hard drive during your visit to the Registry site. Cookies are used for authentication, tracking and to speed up your access to the Site and the information you wish to see. Cookies do not contain any personal information. When you log off from the Site, we automatically clear any temporary or session based cookies. The majority of Web browsers accept cookies, and the “help” menu on your browser should give you options for preventing, accepting, or receiving notice of new cookies. Please be aware that if you block cookies, some Site functionality may be lost.

The State of Missouri uses Google Analytics to provide additional information about how you use our site. Google will put persistent cookies on your browser to help us know how people use our site. These cookies collect anonymous traffic data; no personal information is kept via cookies. If you block cookies from Google, you can still view our content, but we will not be able to use information from your visit to improve our site.  Learn more about Google Analytics cookies.


To ensure our system remains available to all visitors, our operating system tracks unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or that can otherwise cause damage. While you browse the site, our system will automatically record the following information for the purpose noted and for monitoring traffic and improving this site.

  • Domain name from which you accessed the Site.  For example, if you are connecting from an America Online account, the fact that someone who visited this Site uses AOL as an Internet service provider will be known, but the individual e-mail address of the user will not be known.
  • The date and time any page on the site was accessed.
  • The URL address of the web site from which any page on this site was linked. For example, if you clicked on a hyperlink on the Office of Administration web site to reach the Department site, that fact is recorded. Your identity, however, remains unknown.
  • The browser type being used, such as “Internet Explorer Version X.X”.
  • The operating system you used such as Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX.

This tracking system does NOT record information about you, the individual.

Donor Registry

The Department does not collect any personal information about you from this Site unless you provide such information voluntarily. If you do not want your personal information compiled, such information should not be submitted through this site. You can access your profile (record) electronically at any time by visiting You will need to create a user account and password to register as a donor or access your record. You can access and update your profile (record) by entering your user name and password each time you use the Site. Once an account has been created, you may access your personal profile online at any time to change, modify or delete your information.

In order to complete your online registration or transaction, we usually must collect information from you, including your e-mail address, your postal and/or residential address, an identification number, driver’s license number or social security number, or other pieces of personal information. Our online forms should indicate the information that is required and the information that is optional. You do not have to complete “optional” fields. For us to be able to complete your online registration or transaction, however, you must supply the required information. If you are uncomfortable electronically submitting this information, we will gladly accept your registration, removal or transaction in person or by submission of the appropriate paper form. Providing personal information on-line will always be your choice.

We are only responsible for adding or removing information provided directly through this site, by paper or license office transaction.  If you registered through the Department of Revenue, removing your name from the Registry, does not delete any Department of Revenue or other state entity record.

Financial Contributions

The Missouri Organ Donor Trust Fund was established to maintain the Registry and to provide organ donation education. State and federal tax dollars do not support the Registry or educational efforts.  If you chose to make an electronic financial contribution (payment), you may do so through Jet Pay. You have the option to make a one-time contribution or set up an account if you choose to make regular contributions (payments) to the fund.

When making an electronic financial contribution, we require your contact information and collect standard credit card information. We keep a record of your donation and information in compliance with state retention schedules. Card numbers are held only until the charge can be processed. After which, the number is only available for problem resolution. Click here to make a contribution.


Donor Information

Personally identifiable information you submit to register to be an organ and tissue donor will be added to the Registry and kept confidential. Use of your donor information may be disclosed to other entities such as recovery agencies, solely for the purpose of recognizing and acting upon your donor decision; to match your organ donor designation with potential recipients. Your information is only shared with organizations that are authorized by the Department to verify your information in the case of your death. We may share donor registry information with an out-of-state federally designated organ procurement organization or tissue bank that has been designated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services that serves outside of Missouri.

Financial Contributors

Personal information provided in connection with a financial contribution will only be used for the specific purpose for which it was submitted.


Your email address will be used to send a confirmation of your registry enrollment, removal or in the event your information needs to be clarified and/or verified. Your email address may also be used to notify you of any new information about organ and tissue donation, the Registry, and updates or issues directly related to your registration, including privacy policy updates.

If you send us an e-mail, the message will usually contain your return address. If you include personal information in your e-mail, we may use that information in responding to your request. E-mail is not necessarily secure or confidential. Send only the information that is necessary for us to answer your question or process your request. If we respond to your e-mail and it contains confidential information, the response e-mail will be encrypted. An encrypted e-mail can be securely accessed by following the steps indicated in the e-mail.

Requests for Information

There are various locations on the State of Missouri web sites where you may make a request for information, such as applications be mailed to you, or submit registration information. Should you make a request for information, the personally identifiable information you disclose as part of making that request is disclosed to staff at the Office of Administration, the Department and program level staff so that your request my be fulfilled.

Aggregate Information/Data

The Department may generate aggregated data that does not allow an individual to be personally identified or contacted. Aggregated information such as the number of registrants provides statistical information and may aid in future education efforts.

Your information will not be sold or provided to third parties.

Your information can also be accessed by authorized staff of the Department, Registry contract provider; and organ, eye and tissue recovery staff. Recovery staff access your record in order to honor your donation decision.

The Department may gather aggregate statistics of registry data in a form that does not identify you for the purpose of understanding registration trends.

Service Providers

The Department may use third parties to provide services such as the Registry and contribution processing, website content management and email management.


Sunshine Law

As a state government, the State of Missouri is a public governmental body subject to Chapter 610 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, commonly known as the Sunshine Law. If an appropriate request is made to this office for information that is subject to disclosure by the Sunshine Law, the State of Missouri will be required to disclose the information requested, even if it may include your personally identifiable information. Other than as set out above, we will only release personal information to third parties if a state or federal law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order legally requires such disclosure. In the event that we are legally required to release personal information, we will only release the amount of information necessary to satisfy the requirement.


The Department uses and requires the use of appropriate security measures (including encryption and other electronic and procedural safeguards) in order to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of personal information under our control.  The State of Missouri uses network monitoring software to identify unauthorized web access to or tampering with our web site(s).  The Missouri Donor Registry System, Donate Life Missouri, has implemented industry-accepted security safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to and protect the integrity of the system, interfaces, application software, systems files, and personal data within the Data Center Services environment, disaster recovery locations, and any off-site archiving locations. If unauthorized access to or tampering with the site is detected, the information gathered will be furnished to the proper authorities. Registration authorizes electronic communication in such matters.


Our site provides links to other web sites and may include sites operated by third parties which may have different privacy practices. The Department is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We strongly encourage you to read and fully understand the privacy policies of other sites you visit. Be informed. You are the person best qualified to protect your own privacy. In the event that you do not understand a privacy policy or have concerns about its content, you should contact an attorney who specializes in privacy law.


Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted to the site along with an update date. We encourage you to read this policy annually so that you are aware of what information we collect, how the information is used, and under what circumstances we may disclose said information.


If you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy, contact the Department. If you have any questions or comments about The Missouri Organ and Tissue Donor Program or the Registry, contact or call 888-497-4564. In the event that you do not understand this or other privacy policies or have concerns about its content, you should contact an attorney who specializes in privacy law.