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    [0] => Array
            [total] => [donor_count]
            [label] => Registered Donors

    [1] => Array
            [total] => 1,563
            [label] => Awaiting Transplant  (1.31.2024)

    [2] => Array
            [total] => 1,319
            [label] => Kidney (waiting: 1.31.2024)

    [3] => Array
            [total] => 164
            [label] => Liver (waiting: 1.31.2024)

    [4] => Array
            [total] => 54
            [label] => Heart (waiting: 1.31.2024)

    [5] => Array
            [total] => 37
            [label] => Kidney/Pancreas (waiting: 1.31.2024)

    [6] => Array
            [total] => 10
            [label] => Lung (waiting: 1.31.2024)

    [7] => Array
            [total] => 6
            [label] => Pancreas (waiting: 1.31.2024)

    [8] => Array
            [total] => 4
            [label] => Intestine (waiting: 1.31.2024)

U.S. VA service information is available at or (800) 698-2411. If you or an immediate family member ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces, an information tool and service guide are available at Thank you for your service.
4,469,706 Registered Donors
1,563 Awaiting Transplant (1.31.2024)
1,319 Kidney (waiting: 1.31.2024)
164 Liver (waiting: 1.31.2024)
54 Heart (waiting: 1.31.2024)
37 Kidney/Pancreas (waiting: 1.31.2024)
10 Lung (waiting: 1.31.2024)
6 Pancreas (waiting: 1.31.2024)
4 Intestine (waiting: 1.31.2024)


By placing my name on the Donate Life Missouri Registry, I agree to donate my organs and tissues, to be recovered after my death, for use in transplantation, research, education or therapy purposes by Missouri law or as documented in my record. By enrolling and informing my family or legal guardian(s) of my decision, I will relieve my family of making a difficult decision on my behalf. My participation in the Registry is voluntary, my choice, and not required in order to become a donor.

I have read and understood informed consent and privacy policy which along with the above statements constitutes the terms and conditions by which I am enrolling in the Donate Life Missouri Registry. I understand that I can remove my registration or specify more detailed donation preferences at any time. 

YES! I choose to donate my organs and tissues to save and heal lives by signing up in the Registry. I understand that if I am under the age of 18, and not emancipated, my parents or legal guardian(s) will make the final decision about my organ and tissue donation at the appropriate time. I have read and understand the statements, policy, and terms above and consent to be a donor at the time of my death.