- A conversation with Robert and Frances A Kidney Transplant story where Robert shares his personal journey and the importance of taking care of the kidneys.
- A conversation with Luke and Kim A Liver Transplant. The mom and son share Luke’s personal journey and the importance of registering your decision to be a donor.
- A conversation with Ted and Laurie A Living Kidney Transplant story that share their personal journey and the importance of registering your decision to be a donor.
- A conversation with Kahley Schiller Liver Transplant Story. A journey of an entrepreneur, mother of two and how her life was impacted.
- A conversation with Eddie and Lauren Heart Transplant Story. A story about how life can quickly change and the conversation between a daughter and dad.
- A conversation with Theresa McClellan: Theresa shares how her husband’s zeal for life and play. And, that even in death he continued to give; he gave the ultimate gift, life.
- Keep Hope Alive (Training) Training for EMS workers. Credit available.
- Organ Donation & Transplantation. How does it work? A short video about the transplant process.
- Life Savers 2023 Rally Video Playlist. Speaker videos recorded at the Gift of Life’s high school education rally.
- How Living Donation Saved Dan’s Life. HRSA Story. After battling advanced kidney disease, Dan received a life-saving kidney donation – a process that is helping to expand the supply of organs available to many people who are waiting for a kidney or liver transplant.